About SFAC

The Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) is an important advisory group that focuses on budget allocations and use of student fees that support various campus services and programs. SFAC serves as the primary avenue for channeling student input into decisions about the allocations of fees, including the Student Services Fee, Student Programs Fee, campus-based fees (referenda), certain Miscellaneous Fees, and the Seismic and Life Safety Fee.

SFAC functions as an advisory committee to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Success (VCSAS) and makes direct funding recommendations as well as assessments of units and programs. Each academic year, the VCSAS charges SFAC with specific activities and analysis, and overall the purpose and objectives of the committee include the following:

  • To assist the VCSAS in regular efforts to ascertain attitudes of the student body on matters pertaining to student fees;
  • To provide a continuing study of programs supported by the Student Services Fee, Student Programs Fee, and/or selected programs supported by Miscellaneous Fees, and to recommend funding priorities to the VCSAS; and
  • To advise the VCSAS on other questions, which he/she may pose regarding campus-based student services and programs and campus-based student academic support.
For more information about SFAC's role and responsibilities, please see the committee's 2024-2025 charge letter.